Saturday, March 15, 2008

Samuel's 7th birthday party

Today was his birthday party. What fun.
We had 8 boys here. Here is how it went...

Arrived- put on their trainer necklaces (cut out cardboard circles)- goal earn 8 badges.

Badge #1: Draw their own pokemon on shrinky dink paper- Samuel was the only one who had ever done shrinky dinks before. Then they made Perler bead pokeballs. (Slight panic on my part- this took much longer than expected!)

Badge #2: pin the fire tail on chimchar- blindfolded climb through a tunnel then Chris would spin them at the end-

Badge #3: Catch the pokeball- think hot potato

Badge #4: Rock smash- break balloons- find the 8 with a message hidden inside. (didn't quite get the balloons full enough- tough time breaking them)

Badge #5: Egg hunt- 58 eggs hidden- find the 8 camoflage eggs with the hidden message inside

Badge #6: Attack the pokemon characters hanging on the fence with silly string- a tradition at his parties.

Badges 7 & 8: An obstacle course set up by Chris- a huge hit. The best part was one of those balls with a handle that you sit on and bounce. The kids kept falling off and laughing!

Now- hot and tired we went inside for pizza-cupcakes and presents.

All are gone now. He got some nice presents and had a great time. We are tired and glad to have it behind us. A very nice group of boys. Pictures below.

Samuel's 7th birthday party

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