Monday, September 26, 2005

We're back, baby!

We left our "storm shelter" in Fort Worth this morning just after 8. Traffic moved surprisingly smoothly for most of the trip. On the way we got gas at a rather crowded gas station and picked up food at a Sonic (come to think of it, we got some gas there, too). Everything was jammed with people trying to get home, but everyone was very neighborly.

When we got home, we were relieved to find that the house was fine. Several of our neighbors had fences blown down, and there are small and medium tree limbs down all over. But most businesses are open, and most gas stations are also operating.

We are unloaded, the boys are asleep, and the our network is back up. We're home! It's a huge relief to be back. Many, many, many thanks to the families who gave us food, shelter, and friendship while we were away. We will always be grateful.

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