Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Karate 2009 video -check it out!

If this viewer does not work, you can see the video here.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hello from the Netherlands!

Well, I'm in the Netherlands this week on business. It's a bit of an unexpected trip, but I'm happy for the opportunity. Here is a quick picture of me in the hotel. Not very exciting, but I'm too jet-lagged to do anything else. Whee!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

First Baseball Game

I put together a little highlight film from Samuel's first baseball game. It's a little over 3 minutes long, and there is sound. Thanks to Pop Pop Mast for the footage.

Click here for a larger version.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Deep Zoom Experiment

It has been over a year since I first saw a demo of some image viewing and zooming technology called SeaDragon. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who thought it was cool -- Microsoft bought it, and they have finally made a version available for us regular folks to use. Here is my first experiment with it, using photos from a visit to Seawolf Park on Galveston last year. Samuel was getting ready to lose both front teeth, which gave him a bit of an odd look.

You will need to install Microsoft Silverlight, a small multimedia download that you can get with the link below. It's benign, so don't worry.
When you get the viewer going, click on the fullscreen button to get the full effect. You can move your view around by left clicking and dragging. Zoom in and out with the mouse wheel. Let me know if this viewer works for you.

UPDATE: The in-blog viewer appears to be broken, but you can still view the pictures at this link:

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Houston 1/2 marathon

It was an amazing day.
Starting saturday night we headed to the hotel. While heading to our room we ran into a teacher from Samuel's school that was also running the 1/2. She and I set a 6:30am meeting time for the following morning to meet and walk to the start line together. The boys and I had IHOP for dinner and then off to bed. Please note I did not say sleep. It was a restless night!

Benjamin woke briefly at 5am- so I took that opportunity to eat my pre-race granola bar. Then up for good at 5:45am.

To the start line by 6:45am- start temp of ~55 degrees. The excitement was amazing. Gun time was 7:10 for me. The crowd support was so awesome- our names were written really big on the bibs so people would yell out your name as you went by. There were bands and just tons of people encouraging you. I typically run with an IPOD but didn't need it- the atmosphere was just too cool.

As I turned the final bend- there was my favorite support crew in the whole world. The boys were holding up a sign and yelling for me. I ran and gave them quick hugs and kisses which confused Benjamin. "Why mommy stop running to kiss us?"

Crossing the finish line was awesome.

Truly an amazing experience- one I plan on repeating.

Houston marathon