Saturday, August 30, 2008

Is that anything?

David Letterman does a bit in which he and Paul watch an act for a few moments and then determine if it is "anything" or not.
Well, that's what it feels like we're doing with Hurricane Gustav. We watched it careen drunkenly around the Caribbean for awhile, and now we wait while it creeps toward the coast. Will it hit near us? No way to know. But we have a place to go and are getting things in order while hoping for the best.
Does anyone remember when I started this blog while on the run from Rita?
Team Mast certainly does.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Rock On

The boys rock out, undeterred by Samuel's clipped wing.
For a bigger version, look here.

Monday, August 04, 2008


Today was Benjamin's first day of daycare-or "school" as he calls it.
Mom and dad have been crushed by this decision, but he was actually excited.

We were up early and dressed. I told him he would be eating breakfast at school- automatic tears. "no, i am supposed to eat here". So we did.

We arrive at school and take him to see his room and then to the cafeteria where he announces, "i am not eating or drinking, I already ate"

A quick goodbye- no tears and his day starts.

We pick him up and he is playing with some other kids. He did great, only crying when he didn't have his own blanket for nap.

His recap:
1. I made 3 new friends and I told them your name mommy
2. I ate at school
3. I played blocks
4. Can i go to school tomorrow?

Some pics below

benjamins first day