Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Darndest Thing

OK, there's this little optical illusion I once encountered on some random website:
12 guys to 13
There are 12 little cartoon guys. The picture shifts, and then there are 13. I know how this must work, but I'm having the darndest time figuring out just how. I think it's fun just to stare at it for a few minutes.

By the way, I'm working on a photo site for the blog (see link on the right). I have a few test photos up there from Sea World. I promise to put up some photos that have Kim in them soon!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Nerd's Day Out

Well, today was my official Nerd Day. Kim watched the boys while I went up to the Museum of Natural Science to the Lord of the Rings Exhibition.
(see http://www.tepapa.govt.nz/rings/overview.htm)
They had all sorts of props and exhibits related to the movie version of the story. It was a lot of fun to have my own little excursion. Eventually I came home to my excellent wife, who made it all possible . Not only did she encourage me to go, but she also agreed to marry a guy whose idea of fun is going to a Lord of the Rings exhibition. Thanks honey!

Coming up this week: Samuel continues at school, Kim's mom comes to town, and camping at the beach.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

The three clowns. Posted by Picasa

This is my attempt to use Google's Picasa and Hello programs to put pictures on the blog.

Hot Hot Hot

Today the hot and humid weather continued. In response, we did the only logical thing: we spent the morning outside doing yard work, getting overheated and dehydrated. Good times!

Samuel made the best of it, playing with his friend from next door. They took turns spraying each other with the hose. Samuel then put a bucket over his head and ran around yelling, proving once again that he is on the fast track to an early Nobel Prize. Benjamin spent the morning feeding the animals. More specifically, he fed his blood to about 8 different moquitoes.

We then spent some time cooling off in the neighbor's pool, which was very nice.

I will be undergoing a very special rite of passage tomorrow for the International Brotherhood of Nerds. More about that tomorrow!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Post Number Two

This is my second post to the blog. No, no new developments have occurred in our lives since I last posted about an hour ago. Try again later!

Well, I'm going to try my hand at putting together a blog. There is no telling how long the experiment will continue -- I'll keep going until I stop having fun or run out of things to say.

In this first entry, I'd like to try displaying a picture.

Thanks for checking this out. More later. -C